Paintball & Airsoft Team Building and Company Events
near Indianapolis
The Ultimate Paintball | Airsoft
Team Building or Company Event
trying to find a unique company team building event idea?
Tired of the same old golf tournaments? Looking for a cool, thrilling and impressive idea for your next company outing or corporate event near Indianapolis??
Everyone can play paintball or Airsoft at our Indianpolis paintball park! No experience required – our highly trained staff will make you feel at home and show you the ropes! At Indy Paintball Battleground near Indianapolis, we make it not only safe, but fun, to play paintball or Airsoft.
It’s a great way to release that work stress and hone team building skills and create camaraderie that you can take back to the workplace!
Let us customize an event to meet your specific needs. Book online, or if you have any questions, call us today!
- Safety first
- Traditional and low impact paintball
- No experience needed
- Fun fields
- Covered staging area
- Plenty of picnic tables
perfect for Company events
Experience the excitement of traditional paintball!
At Indy Paintball Battleground near Indianapolis, Airsoft and paintball company events and team building events are exciting, fun and easy to organize. Whether your group is large or small, we can help you host the company event that will be talked about all year long!
Why Low Impact paintball?
Everyone loves low impact paintball! It’s got all the thrill and excitement of traditional .68 caliber paintball, without the wham! Low impact paintball uses a smaller .50 caliber paintball that has less mass, which means way less impact! It’s about like a good snap with a rubber band.
We use a pump action gun, which also means you won’t get hit with a continuous barrage of paintballs!
Low impact paintball is perfect for your next team building event or company outing!!
for everyone
Airsoft is perfect for Company Events and Team Building
Looking for Airsoft near Indianapolis?
At Indy Paintball Battleground near Indianapolis, we usually have Airsoft open play twice a month. Bring your own equipment and come play at our Indianapolis fields!
Get your Central Indiana Paintball Game on!
Come on out and see us today at Indy Paintball Battleground near Indianapolis!